Where to Check for Bedbugs While Traveling


Traveling can be difficult enough if you are driving for long distances or are taking public transportation. The journey can be tiring, and once you have reached your destination all you want to do is relax. Yet, you do not want to end up bringing a host of bed bugs back home with you! Unfortunately, hotels and motels can be filled with bed bugs, as they are carried by one traveler to another. Here are some tips to protect yourself from bedbugs as you travel. 

Inspect the Bed

Before getting into bed, pull back the covers and check for bed bugs. You will be able to see the adults, nymphs and eggs if they are there. They are commonly found at the head of the bed or along the box spring seam. Check for any dark spots or trails or any exoskeletons that are left behind. You may also choose to look underneath the mattress. Use a flashlight if necessary. 

In the Furniture

Although bed bugs are most commonly found in the bed that does not mean they can't be found anywhere else. If there are chairs or couches in the place you are staying check those too. Checking under cushions or pillows is easy and can give you the peace of mind you need to fully enjoy your travels.

How to Prevent Bed Bugs from Traveling with You

Store Luggage on Hard Surfaces

Rather than placing your clothing and other belongings on the bed, chair or couch, keep all of your valuables on the luggage rack or on another hard surface. Instead of taking your clothing out of your suitcases, keep the items stored either in your suitcase or in the bathroom, as bedbugs are unlikely to be in there. You may even desire to pack large trash bags with you that you can use to cover your luggage. Do not unpack too many of your items, as spreading them around the room gives bedbugs a greater chance to get into them. 

When You Return Home, Dry Your Clothes

Heat is used to kill bed bugs. Before doing anything else with your clothes once you return home, place them in the dryer for at least 30 minutes. You may also choose to keep any of your luggage outside of the house for a brief while as well. 

Check for signs of bedbugs no matter where you stay. Bringing home bedbugs could lead to an infestation. If you do bring home bedbugs, do not hesitate to contact pest control professionals. Contact Pest Control Services, Inc. today!

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