How to Prevent Pest Breeding in Your Yard


Your lawn is one of the first things that people notice about your house. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the first things that pests notice about your house. If you want to keep pests out of your home, you’re going to need to keep them off your lawn as well. Here are some ways to keep your yard as healthy and pest free as possible.

Mow Your Lawn

The first thing you’re going to want to do is cut your grass. Pests hide better in tall, unkempt lawns, so try not to let your grass grow higher than three inches. Also, if you have bushes then trim them as well, as these also provide great hiding places for pests. Finally, when you empty the trimmings, pour it into a garbage bag and close it up tight, so any bugs sucked up won’t creep into your house. 

Maintain Your Yard

Not only are you going to want to keep your grass short, but you’re going to want to keep it healthy as well. Healthy grass has natural defense mechanisms against pests and will deter them on their own However, once your grass begins to die, your lawn becomes open season. First, use fertilizer to help your lawn develop a lush, green color. You should also aerate your grass from time to time as well, and finally, water your grass properly. This means, for one thing, making sure that your grass is never dry, but it also means not allowing too much water to puddle up in small pools. Many bugs, especially mosquitoes, use standing pools of water as their primary breeding grounds, so don’t give them any opportunities to settle down on your property. 

Use Pesticides

Lastly, if your pests won’t let up, some pesticides should do the trick. Make sure, however, that you aren’t using pesticides designed to kill everything in sight, but pesticides which take out insects like mosquitoes and ants while leaving beneficial bugs like earthworms unharmed. Also, make sure that you’re using these chemicals safely and according to the instructions by putting out a sign signaling that there are pesticides on your lawn, only using the suggested amount, and storing it away from pets and children when not in use.

Pest control begins on the lawn, which is why it’s extremely important to safeguard your yard and keep it healthy. Fortunately, with just a little effort, it’s not very difficult. For more information, or to receive quality pest control services, contact Pest Control Services at today.

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