Best Lice Solutions


The term “lice” typically makes us cringe a bit when hearing it. Most everyone understands that with lice comes a lot of itching. However, lice can become a serious long-term problem if not treated properly. One common misconception is that lice can only be found in the hair. There are three types of lice: head lice, body lice and pubic lice. All three can be spread to other people or objects through contact, so any sort of lice issue should be taken seriously. Let’s look at some of the best ways you can get rid of the lice in your life.

Prescription Solutions

Oftentimes, people choose to use a home remedy or quick over-the-counter medication to rid themselves or their children of lice. While some are effective (we will get to those in a bit), a 2014 survey from Sanofi Pasteur shows that people will likely be more satisfied with prescription medication by about 12 percent. While some minor side effects may occur, such as dandruff, you will more likely find a prescription medication for lice more effective than any other solution.


Normal shampoo is not recommended for trying to get rid of lice, wherever it is on your body. Instead, use a product that includes pyrethrum in its ingredients. The insecticides in pyrethrum are all-natural and will kill off the lice it comes into contact with. Products that include this are Rid, Pronto and A-200. Many of these products are available over-the-counter at any drug store.

Olive Oil

One of the best solutions on the home remedy side is olive oil. The thick liquid is supposed to fill itself into the breathing holes of the lice, suffocating them to death. However, it is important to note that you will need to wear a tight piece of disposable headwear. Lice can go long periods without breathing, so keeping them suffocated is key to eliminating them. Other thick mixtures are said to work as well, such as hair gel or petroleum jelly.


If medication and messy liquids are not going to work for you, the best way to go is wet-combing. The process is exactly as the name implies. You will need a fine-toothed comb and conditioner for this to work. Simply disperse the conditioner onto the areas where you have lice and pluck through the hair with your comb. Lice are small and can be a nuisance to remove, so take your time and maintain patience with this method.

Still Need Help?

If nothing seems to get rid of those pesky lice or your lice problem is out of control, don't worry. Contact Pest Control Services, Inc. today to talk with a team of pest professionals that want to find the right solution for you!

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